It’s no secret why basketball is so popular: the pace is fast, causing excitement. However, if you wish to do your best at basketball, you have to learn a few different things first. This article will provide you with great tips to better your game.

TIP! Free throws are an excellent skill to practice in your spare time. This is one of those shots that seem easy but in real life are difficult.

Learn how to maneuver a crossover if you have the ball fairly often. When you do a crossover, you move the basketball very fast from one hand over to the other hand. Crossovers must be done quickly to keep defenders at bay. One done the right way, the crossover dribble can help you change directions and get down the court more efficiently.

Work on catching passes frequently. Be sure to be able to catch off-target throws on top of good ones. When playing in the game, it’s rare that every pass will hit a bulls-eye. You’ll be helping out your team a great deal if you can catch their not so perfect passes.

TIP! Learn to crossover if you get the ball often. A crossover is when you move the ball from one hand to the other.

You may get injured while practicing or playing. Don’t try to play if you are hurt. This is a physically challenging game, so you may end up hurt much worse. You may injure yourself more if you continue to play with an injury. Don’t hesitate to see the doctor if you feel the injury warrants it.

Seek advice from your teammates about how you play the game. Can you get better at something? Perhaps you have good dribbling skills or maybe your footwork is enviable. Discover what other people feel are your strongest skills and then set about perfecting them.

TIP! A good tip about passing is try doing it without dribbling the ball. It’s hard to play without dribbling, however, it can help you and your team create more accurate passes.

Use the foot opposite of the hand you shoot with for a better layup. What this practically means is that if your right hand is your shooting hand, you need to take off with your left foot. This keeps your body balanced and moving toward the basket and keeps your body between yourself and your defender.

Always maintain a defensive stance when you are trying to properly defend the goal. Slide your feet to the sides or push off using the opposite foot to always be in position. Don’t allow your feet to cross and opposing players will have difficulty getting around you.

TIP! Would you like to fool the opposing team? Try the back pass. Use your dominant hand to palm the basketball.

Remain low when playing defense. This helps you jump fast and react quickly. Remain in a correct defensive pose always. When you block a shot, go back to a defensive form quickly.

Always set your three-point shooting practice goal at the official NBA distance. High school lines, international standard lines, and college lines are much closer. Hitting from the NBA range makes you get deeper-ranged looks than the defense will be guarding you at.

TIP! Play games against yourself in and out of season. Though basketball is surely a team sport, there may be times when you have nobody to play against.

Shoot from every point on the court thousands of times a day to get better. Try to practice a hard dribble followed by a quick shot. Only lift your head up to check out the target once you are in the air. This can help to improve your accuracy by simulating actual game conditions.

Switch your body’s weight from side to side while practicing your dribbling. This will help you learn to dribble during all different kinds of situations. Perhaps you will have open court; however, you might have bunches of opposing team members all around you. Going through the court will be easier if you can quickly adjust your direction without interrupting your dribbling. Dribbling can help get you out of trouble.

TIP! If you’re on the offense, you footwork needs to be excellent to stay open for passes and shots. While actually being beneath the basket is key, establishing a good position prior to the opposition is even more so.

Use your non-dribbling hand as a barrier between your opponent and the ball. This keeps your opponent from being able to steal the ball. Simply elevate it slightly as you dribble.

Exercise off the court. Running, both sprints and long distance, can help your game. To play more physically, lift weights to make yourself a more dominating presence. Building your muscles and your confidence will help you game in many ways.

TIP! If you become injured when playing basketball, stop immediately. This is a physically challenging game, so you may end up hurt much worse.

A good way to improve your game is by finding out from your teammates what they plan to do. Basketball involves playing on a team. Meaning offense and defense is played, not just one on one. You must help one another out. If you communicate your wishes before you go out on the court, the team will work better as a unit.

If you’re training to become a very good basketball player then start changing your diet. Complex carbohydrates and protein will give you energy to ensure that you get through a long, fast-paced basketball game. Adding nuts, chicken, peanut butter and whole grain breads to your diet can help. Sugars and salt should be used sparingly.

TIP! Using a weaker hand helps improve overall dribbling skills. Opponents are a lot easier to blow by when you can dribble with ease using both hands.

If you know your opponent has a weak hand, make them use it. If your opponent favors their right side, step to them using your left foot. When successful, they will have to switch the side they are using. Keep your head parallel to their chest, and you will stay low and primed to snatch the ball.

When you have the ball, know when to try to make a shot and then when to pass it off to someone who has a better shot. It’s much better being a piece in your team’s winning shot than being the one player with the shot that costs your team the game.

TIP! A good defensive strategy will keep your opponent on their toes. Do not allow your opponent to become comfortable with their style, or yours.

Basketball can be one the most fun sports to play, but you must know the basics. This article shows that you must have basketball knowledge to play like the pros. The information in the above article is your starting point for becoming a great basketball player.