Basketball was the result of one person’s dream, Dr. James Naismith in the year 1891. Since that time, the game has become supremely popular the world over. Players like Dr. J. Celebrities such as Magic Johnson have made this sport very popular. Look at this article for tips that helped them become successful.

TIP! It is important that you perfect dribbling the ball. When you dribble, use the fingertips, not the palm.

Many people forget that defense is as important as offense during practice. Basketball games are won more often by defense than offense. While offensive players sometimes seem like the stars of the show, it is the efforts of defensive players that allow them to shine.

Get good at making free throws. This looks easy, but it is actually very hard to do. Practice this technique regularly. Put your weaker hand in front of the ball and center your stronger hand over the air valve in the basketball. Focus on the basket and picture the ball slipping into the net. Then shoot the ball with the trajectory that you visualized.

TIP! Free throw practice is vitally important. This kind of shot seems easy, but it really is not.

If you get possession of the ball a lot, you must learn the crossover technique. A crossover means moving the ball between your hands. This action most be quick to work out. Once you have learned how to do a crossover, you can travel down the court quickly.

A good way to improve team passing to use a no dribbling drill, that is to play the game without dribbling at all. It is quite challenging to play the game without dribbling, but it does make sure you and your teammates make accurate passes. Don’t get frustrated if it’s hard at first because it will get better over time.

Core Muscles

If you have student that wants to play basketball for their high school team, they will need to spend some time training their core muscles. This is the hip area, the lower back, and the abs. A good core leads to a solid foundation and that is required to be very good at basketball. When your core muscles are strong, you become a more powerful force on the court. This means greater speed and higher jumping skills.

TIP! Talk to your teammates and find out what they like about your game. Can you get better at something? You may be quick with your footwork or are always there for backing them up.

When playing basketball, it is important to always keep your eye on the ball. This can help you to avoid surprises by fast passes, help you keep an eye on the rest of the court, and allow you to spot potential turnovers. Also, you need to stay aware of areas which might open up and give you an easy basket.

The key for controlling the ball well is to spread your fingers. This will help prevent the ball from getting away from you while dribbling. In addition, keep your palm off of the ball. Whether you are passing or shooting the ball, your fingers are the only part of your hand that should be touching the ball.

TIP! In order to be your best on defense, take the time to completely understand the player you are guarding. Watch tapes and stay up on scouting reports.

Speed is a key attribute in the game of basketball. Try to play faster than your opponents for an advantage. Fast play is a result of heavy drilling. Make sure you never play past the speed you are comfortable. If you play basketball past your own speed ability, then you can lose control of you game with bad passes and needless turnovers.

To increase the efficiency of your layups, begin your takeoff on the foot opposite from the hand you’re shooting with. If you use your right hand to shoot, use your left foot to take off. That will build your balance and help you stay in the right position.

Free Throw

Get into a consistent routine to improve your free throw shots. If you are inconsistent then your shot will be off. Practicing your free throw again and again is the only way to perfect it. If you do not practice this shot consistently, you may miss it during an actual game.

TIP! When playing a game of basketball, have a friend tape the game. This way, you can take a look at your game.

Do not release your defensive stance. Slide your feet to and fro or use your opposing foot to push off to maintain your position. Don’t forget not to cross your feet, and you won’t be easy to get around.

Developing your muscle strength and flexibility will make you a better basketball player. Conditioning training will also increase your stamina. Even the youngest kids that play will benefit from the game. As they become adolescents, let them start using weights for added benefits. Once they transition into adulthood, strength training must continue to be a core part of their exercise routine.

TIP! In order to play defense successfully, you must be able to disrupt the game of your opponent. Make them feel uncomfortable and to where they’re second guessing their next move.

The first step when dribbling is to bend at your knees instead of standing straight-legged. The basketball is much harder to control if you stand tall and the opposing team can snatch it more easily. You will have better ball control with bent knees.

You have to practice hard every day if you desire to step up your outside shooting game. To improve further, work on fast dribbling just before shooting. When you are in the air, take a gander at the target. Don’t do it prior to this point. This simulates what actually happens in a game and improves your accuracy.

TIP! Sly feet will help you get the rebound of your team mates free throw. Be aware that the defender who is below you will start moving in your direction.

If you’re playing regulation basketball, you need a hoop that is ten feet high, a large court and ten players. Knowing the basics will enable you to play better. Using this article as a starting point, keep practicing and learning and you’ll soon be a master of the game.