Basketball has been around for decades; it is both fun and invigorating. If you are going to play basketball, start by having some serious practice drills. Finish this article, because it has knowledge you can use.

TIP! To be a better basketball player you should concentrate on the things that make you great. You can contribute to the team by consolidating your best skills, even if these skills do not make you one of the star players.

Keep your weight lifting to a minimum as a jump shooter. Muscle flexibility is more important than muscle mass. Some guards increase their upper body to the point of harming their field goals.

One good way to always be ready for whatever happens on the court is to never turn your back on the ball. This will help you stay on top of quick changes in possession or plays attempted by your opponent. Keep your eyes open for areas that are open.

TIP! Watching the pros can help you pick up on certain skills for improving your game. Attend as many professional games as you can, watch the pros on TV, or watch video of professionals.

If the opposition is hot on your tail, pass between your legs. To practice this skill, bounce the ball between your legs so that it passes through as you step back and forth. When you’ve mastered this step, you will be at a great advantage.

If you wish to succeed in a defensive role, you must be able to break your opponents’ concentration. Don’t let your opponent get comfortable out there on the court. When you are guarding, do so aggressively. You don’t want the defense choosing your plays so to speak. By doing so, the opponent will take advantage of you. Make your moves first and end their patterns.

TIP! Prior to basketball season, and even during it, you can play solo games. There are times you may not find anyone to play with you.

Use small weights and resistance training to build the muscles in both forearms and hands. Try doing some wrist curls as they are particularly effective in honing your dribble skills. Don’t stay stopped; always move around the court. You have to be ready to move fast and change directions on a dime.

Work on getting the ball down the length of a full court with five or fewer dribbles during drills. It isn’t impossible, it just takes practice. You will find that it becomes easier to score and make layups.

TIP! Make better passes through the use of coordinated hand signals. Oftentimes frustration occurs when trying you aren’t on the same page with a teammate who cuts to the basketball when you try to pass him the ball.

Be certain you are able to see well. This isn’t just so you can read the scoreboard and be able to make shots and catch passes. Your peripheral vision needs to be as strong as possible. It allows you to view the game as a whole rather than simply watching the ball. In this way, you can be aware of the players around you.

You need to take a charge anytime you can. By taking a charge, your team will get the ball. Perfecting this play can really give you an advantage on the court.

TIP! Never play through an injury when playing basketball. Basketball is physically demanding and you can easily get hurt.

Change up your pace so that you are not predictable to the offense. When you’re going towards the net you should plant the foot in front and start straightening up. The guard may think you’ve slowed down and may try to straighten themselves. Push forward and blast by them.

Use the non-dribbling hand to create a buffer between the ball and your opposition. However, you’re not actually going to push with this hand; instead, you’re going to separate yourself using this hand. Keep is slightly up as you dribble with your other hand.

TIP! One good way to always be ready for whatever happens on the court is to never turn your back on the ball. Passes and turnovers won’t take you by surprise because you will be more aware of what is happening on the court.

To become a much better basketball player, try speaking with teammates and learning what they do. Basketball is not an individual sport. Neither defense nor offense is a one-on-one matter. Everyone helps everyone else. Talk to your teammates when you need help, so that you’re all on the same page.

Try different shots from different places on the basketball court. First, practice your balance and grip. It is possible to succeed when shooting in an off-balance way, but the odds do suffer. You can perfect your grip on the ball by using the valve. Put the middle of your shooting hand over the basketball’s valve.

TIP! In order to be your best on defense, take the time to completely understand the player you are guarding. You can read scouting reports and watch tapes to evaluate your opponents game.

If someone is shooting from a corner of the court, a missed shot will likely bounce right over the net and to the other side of the court. If that happens, you can guess the place where it will go and manage to get the rebound.

You need to be able to alter your opponents path. Whether you are in an offensive or defensive stance, make other players do what you want. Doing so lets you control your path, not them.

TIP! If you experience a slump in your scoring and shooting, your shoulders may be the cause of the problem. If they’re in a poor position, no matter your skill level, you will be unable to make the shot.

Be careful not to double-dribble. This occurs if you restart dribbling seconds after you have stopped your original dribble. Once you stop dribbling, you must shoot or pass the ball. Once you have stopped dribbling you have to get rid of the ball. If you double dribble the ball will be given to the other team.

Manage your nerves whenever you shoot. Stay focused on the hoop. Specifically, make it a habit to look right behind the basket when you take a shot. On a lay-up your eyes should instead be trained on the backboard to help you lay the ball off against.

TIP! Practice your footwork and control the position of your feet at all times. This can help you avoid going out of bounds or making a bad pass.

By learning important tips and taking them to the practice court, eventually you will see how much better you get at this game. Take time to read this and visit basketball references online to learn more. Grasp as much knowledge as you can to help simplify the game for you.