TIP! You need to learn the correct way to dribble the ball. Don’t use your palm, use your fingers.

Learn what a crossover is and how to do it. Being able to dribble the ball with both hands and crossover between the two will make you a better player. The move must be done quickly if it is going to work. When done correctly, a good crossover dribble assists you in being efficient and helping you change direction when you need to.

Free Throw

Free throws are as mental as physical. You must be mentally strong to be a consistent free throw shooter. Stay calm and collected to increase your free throw percentage.

Prior to basketball season, and even during it, you can play solo games. Though basketball is surely a team sport, there may be times when you have nobody to play against. Don’t fret! There is much that can be accomplished when playing on your own. Practice pivoting or you can practice doing free throws. Additionally, you can practice vertical jumping and dribbling.

TIP! Knowing how to perform a crossover is a must when you handle the basketball frequently. Crossovers involve sending the basketball from one of your hands over to the other one.

Don’t play while injured or else your injury will worsen. The sport of basketball is very physical, which makes one susceptible to injury. Trying to play through the pain could just cause more damage. Anytime you have a serious injury, you should seek medical attention.

Keeping your fingers spread wide is important for holding onto the ball. This will keep the ball from getting away while you hold it. Your palm should touch the ball as little as possible. Only use your fingers to dribble, pass or shoot.

TIP! Put the emphasis on your strengths can help you to be a better basketball player. You can contribute to the team by consolidating your best skills, even if these skills do not make you one of the star players.

Consistency in your approach is vital to becoming solid at free throws. This can include the number of times you dribble, how you position your feet, or anything else. Just remember it has to be fast and consistent. The reason is, this routine will put your body on alert that the next thing coming is a free throw. This will help insure your success.

The key to great defense is being a nuisance to the player you are guarding. Focus on getting them out of the comfort zone. Make aggressive plays. Don’t let them choose what plays to make. Otherwise, the opponents will win all the shots and dominate you. You make the moves, which helps shift the momentum.

TIP! Don’t dribble during your drills. It is quite challenging to play the game without dribbling, but it does make sure you and your teammates make accurate passes.

Be slick with your feet so you can get a rebound from a teammate. Slip around the defender moving your way and get the ball. Doing this lets you get a rebound freely and not commit a foul in the process.

Dribble very hard to prevent the opposing team players from stealing the ball. The ball returns more quickly to your hand when you do this, giving the opponents fewer opportunities to steal it from you. When you are being guarded closely, pass the ball.

TIP! If you’re going to be a jump shooter, don’t lift too many weights. Muscle strength is beneficial for playing any basketball position, but there is such a thing as too much.

When you dribble while playing basketball, focus on bending your knees. When you are rigid, the ball is not only hard to control, it is also an easier target for a rival to steal. You only need to bend your knees slightly to improve your control of the basketball.

To improve your perimeter shooting, it is important to practice every day from various spots on the court. An even better way to improve your accuracy is to practice shooting after pulling up from a dribble. Avoid looking at your target until you are in the air. This helps to simulate game conditions and improving your accuracy.

TIP! Ask your teammates what they like about the way you play. Find out what they perceive as your best skill.

A great way to improve your game involves communicating with teammates so that you can anticipate their moves. Basketball is nothing if not a team sport. This means that offense and defense doesn’t mean one on one. You have to help each other. Communicate with your team and you will have more success.

Where you are ahead of and post-rebound will determine your success. Use both feet to jump for the ball, then hold on with both of your hands. When you land, ensure your feet are beyond shoulder width apart and hold the ball near your chest.

TIP! When playing basketball, it is important to always keep your eye on the ball. You must always be prepared to receive a pass and you need to know where players are on the court.

If you are aware of a weakness in one of your opponent’s hands, make them work with that side. If they happen to be right-hand dominant, step at them using your left foot to make them change hands. Your body should be lowered slightly and your head must be even with the player’s chest.

If you’re in possession of the ball, learn when you should be passing the ball to a player with a better shot and when you should be taking the shot yourself. It’s better to assist a goal, than the team to lose a play.